Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Back to Dorm Life?

After graduating from Concordia in May, I was able to enjoy a few days off before working again. My dad had back surgery (thankfully all went well) and It was nice to be home and take care of him, see my brothers on their last days of school, and participate in their school events which I have not always had the pleasure of doing. One of my best friends had her bridal shower, spent some time with Grandma, and also celebrated my nephew's 1st Birthday! 

I was so excited to come back to campus to work here over the summer in the Infant Room and also live with one of my BFFS - Jordan :) Although this summer is not going quite as I planned, I have enjoyed very minute of time I am able to spend with my Concordia family. I have accepted a job in Indianapolis, still am looking for a job with benefits and possibly better pay, but I will be moving down to Indianapolis at the end of the summer to start the next adventure of my life; living in the same town, let alone the same apartment as my boyfriend! It will definitely be different, but we are both looking forward to having dinner together and cuddling up on the couch with a movie on the tv. 

I am learning how to manage my time this summer between working full time and babysitting and still having somewhat of a social life. :) I am also learning how to budget.  I have had my share of insufficient funds fees and I am so over it ;) I am learning how to budget and stretch money to last longer than what I am used to. 

Mainly though, what I have learned my last four years at Concordia is to not sweat the small stuff, walk another day in someone else's shoes, and just live your life the way YOU want, not how others want you too. Sure, people may think I am crazy because I love little kids and would rather hang out with a five year old without receiving any pay than watch tv alone. :) I also get excited about the little things and deep down, I know I am a big kid at heart. I have also learned my inner strength and that is inspiration from those around me. I saw friends go through break ups, divorces, grades, family drama, and financial hardship and I have learned that if they can still have a smile on their face when it is time to get  up and moving in the morning, I can too because I chose to stay on facebook those extra 30 minutes and I chose to procrastinate til the very last minute.  All in all, my Concordia experience, I learned way more than just academics. I learned how to be a mature, responsible, and spiritual adult. I am by no means prepared for EVERYTHING I will face in the future, but I am ready to grow and learn some more and face what God has in store for me.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013: A New Year

As I'm sitting on the couch in my new fleece jammy pants and fleece blanket, watching a movie with my little brother, I look back on 2012 and think ahead to 2013. I will graduate my undergrad degree at Concordia in May after the next 16 weeks of Student Teaching. This is something I am very proud of for accomplishing, and I know my Grandpa will be in the audience looking down and feeling proud too.

I am also very happy to say that Anthony and I realized we are right for each other and we just had to work some things out between the two of us. Back in July, we became a couple again and things have been so great! we still have our disagreements and we still have our quarrels, but the difference is we are leaRning to communicate more with each other and compromising. Anthony started his new job today down in Indianapolis, IN and I'm so proud of him for overcoming every obstacle and living in his own. I will definitely miss him and miss just being able to drive over and see him, but 3hours isn't that far away and we will both be very busy.

My brothers are growing up to be so e very adorable little men and I have enjoyed getting to spend as much time with them as I have this year. Looking forward to being home this semester and getting to see them more often.

I am also looking forward to the "real world" which has started for me. I am applying for jobs, paying off my car and student loans, and budgeting. In 2013, I look forward to spending more time with my family and friends, bettering myself, putting 110% into Student Teaching, and just being more optimistic about life in general. :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Start of Summer

Summer has treated me very well so far! I have really enjoyed being able to go and do the fun things that college students and young adults do in the summertime :) So far, I can cross "go to the beach" and "get mani/pedi" off my summer bucket list. I have been babysitting and earning some extra cash to go shopping and spend money on manicures/pedicures, but the babysitting is definitely picking up in the next coming weeks.

I have also been able to hang out with some great people. :) I was able to spend some time with a friend whom I haven't seen in awhile and we are going to hang out again when he gets back from officer training. It was really nice to hang out with him and catch up. :)

I have also learned to cook and clean and just do normal household things for myself and others. This summer is turning out to be so awesome thus far! I know only good things will result as the weeks go on. Starting Monday, I will be spending my days with 10-15 children between the ages of 5 and 9. Really looking forward to all the fun things we have planned with them this summer.

And to top it all off, I received a GROUPON via email for Las Vegas, and the flights and room are doable, that I think my bestie and I are going to take a mini vacation just the two of us over July 4th ....and be in LAS VEGAS! WHOOO!! So hopefully, all that planning and what not will work out for the best and we can go.

That's all for now folks! Got my grades back from this semester and I am so happy to say that my GPA went up .3% :) So proud of myself for all I managed to accomplish and take on this year!

Enjoy the nice weather. Im going to curl up with my book and read :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

In the past year....

So I kind of stole this idea from my friend, but it feels so right to do this. My junior year at Concordia has been one I will never forget. I was honored to be a Resident Assistant and met some really wonderful people who are going to be lifelong friends through the experience. I was a little scared and unsure of how I would be an RA, but from day 1 of training I felt so comfortable and knew it was going to be a great year! I made some new friends and didn't want to go home as often because I wanted to spend time with them.   It was a new adventure that I was going to take on - and ready! Methods classes were going to begin, with new professors and new experiences. I continued working at the Early Childhood Center and babysitting (to help pay for my new car!).

That first semester was the start of great friendships that I know I will have for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, I did end up on crutches for a few weeks with back issues again, but then I was off of them and feeling better - so I thought. Finals week all of a sudden it just happened again and the back spasms and pain was back --- this began a long trial of doctor visits, MRIs, Xrays, etc. Christmas and New Years was nice to be home, but then I was soon ready to come back to school. Spent many days with Cheryl at home and watching her crazy MTV shows ;) We bonded a bit over the time when she was home and it was nice to have someone help and take care of me. Spent a lot of time with my bestie, Jessica and her son Kaiden and just enjoyed not having classes and relaxing a lot....maybe a little too much!

Moving on to second semester. This would be the semester of growing friendships, finding my faith, and really figuring out my relationships with others in my life.

I was still dealing with crutches and trying to figure out what was going on with that, but it was nice to back and there was so many wonderful things planned for the semester! My brothers both turned another age older - which was weird for me because they are no longer the little munchkins they used to be. I was also going to have a milestone birthday - 21! The plans for Las Vegas were delayed due to my health issues, but it was still a great birthday! My BFF/Roomie joined me and my family and my bestie at the Casino and going to a few different places to have a drink. It was definitely a great way to spend a birthday! Came back to school and classes were bogging me down, but still had so much to look forward to: Relay for Life, The end of the Semester, getting better and off crutches, and the SPRING weather! The weather came first --- it was absolutely gorgeous outside and that same day was day #1 without crutches! After being on crutches for 5 months, it was so nice to be able to walk again and Physical Therapy was definitely helping!

I learned a lot about myself this semester. I decided that the relationship I was in was with a great guy, but he just wasn't the guy for me. We have so many memories that we will take with us, and we both learned something from the other throughout the 2 1/2 years we were together that we will always keep with us and not make the same mistakes in our future relationships. It was definitely not the easiest time for me, but with the love and support from those around me, I was able to still have a smile on my face in the end. I also decided that I loved my brothers, but it was time for me to try this summer on my own and I am going to be staying on campus this summer and working at the Early Childhood Center. I will be an assistant teacher with two other teachers and they have asked me to help plan lessons and activities for the kids...as a jumpstart to student teaching which I will be doing in the spring of 2013!

I also learned more about my faith this past semester. I am learning to trust in God when things get tough and sometimes, saying a prayer really can make one feel better. We cannot control people, just your reactions to others and although it is a hard concept to understand, I am beginning to learn this. I enjoy attending contemporary worship and I plan on implementing some of that into my daily and future life.

Thank you to everyone who has ever been there for me this year, physically, emotionally, or just a shoulder to cry on or a sleepover to be had. You all are fantastic, and I love you all. I hope I can return the favor and be there for you when you are in need...and just be a great, loving, and supportive friend like everyone has shown me over the course of my lifetime.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This is Me

This is my first post on my first blog :) This is a bit new to me, so bear with me as I learn how to blog and the different things I can do with a blog. There is exactly one week left of my junior year of college and methods classes...which was very different than I expected. I also have one more week of my RA responsibilities, which is bittersweet. Looking forward to living with my best friend next year, but I will miss my residents and all the RA responsibilities. We have our last All Staff meeting this evening and I just may cry. I love my staff and this year would not have been easy for me without their love and support. 

Still trying to figure out who I am and where I will be in the next two years, but for now I am just going to sit back and enjoy life as it comes. I have some great friends and family members that I know deep down care about me.

I am very excited to be staying on campus this summer and working at the early childhood center and babysitting! This will be the first summer since my brother was born that I will not be with him everyday and that will be different, but it is time for both of us to do something different. He is very excited to attend a Martial Arts Summer Camp and I am really looking forward to working with the little kiddos :) 

That's all for now folks, have a great week!